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Choosing to study far from home is an exciting, life-changing decision. No matter the distance, parent and family support play a big role in a student’s international experience. Laurier is proud to offer services tailored to help international students thrive. Here are some specific ways to show support to your international student and stay involved throughout the academic year.

Create a Plan

Create a plan for communicating with your student while they’re in Laurier (such as weekly Skype calls) or discussing how you will handle any family emergencies while abroad.

Connect with Laurier International

Encourage your student to reach out to the Laurier International office. This resource is dedicated to supporting international students with challenges such as travelling to Canada, immigration rules, and the academic and cultural transition of studying in a new country.

Encourage Extracurricular Activities

Remind your student about different ways they can get involved on campus, from joining clubs and associations to taking part in various events for international students.

Stay Connected

Stay connected to campus news by following Laurier on social media.

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